Exhausted from a night of work, sophomore Candice Sprinkle treksback to Wilson Hall from the campus' stadium parking lot andwonders whether having a car is worth the inconvenience.
"Having a car is nice because it makes it easier to get places,but having to park it as far away as the stadium is aggravating,"Sprinkle said.
However, Sprinkle and other students irritated with the parkingsituation can now vent their parking frustrations on a Web site setup by the Parking Task force. The Web site, found atwww.bsu.edu/sa/dean/parking, was created for students to givefeedback on the current parking situation and provide suggestionson to how to improve it.
"Dr. Randy Hyman created the Parking Task Force, and thus theidea of the Web site," Jim Lowe, the director of facilitiesassessment and engineer in Facilities Planning and Management andthe head of the Parking Task Force, said. "He felt that it wasnecessary to review the existing parking service programs anddevelop recommendations that reflect the changing needs of ourvarious stakeholder groups, such as students, faculty, staff,disabled patrons, visitors, alumni and community members."
Lowe also said the Web site was established as an alternative toa public forum.
"Forums are normally not well attended," Lowe said. "This may beattributed to the fact that it is virtually impossible to find aconvenient time that fits into everyone's busy schedule. With thisin mind, and the fact that almost everyone has access to theInternet today, at all hours of the day, the Task Force chose toask for input through the use of (a Web site)."
"Any little bit is going to help more than we have now,"Sprinkle said.
Currently, a zone parking system is in effect on campus. Thoughthe zoning system provides a sense of organization, it also causescontroversy with students frustrated with having to park in zonesso far away from their dormitories.
"The parking system needs to be improved," sophomore EmilyBoughton said. "There needs to be more parking available."
The parking task force has taken grievances like Boughton's intoconsideration and as a result implemented several new policies thisfall. Parking rules are now enforced year-round, instead of onlyduring school semesters; the number of parking meters near EmensAuditorium is being limited and all disabled faculty and staff mustnow purchase a permit for a designated parking zone.
In addition to these changes, Boughton and Sprinkle suggest thatthe Parking Task Force should establish a bus system at the otherside of the stadium near McGalliard Road.
Lowe encourages feedback like this on the Web site and said thatmany people have already provided comments.
"The Web site availability has resulted in a large amount ofresponse," Lowe said. "Responses have been sent at all hours of theday, morning and night."
To comment on current parking situations and providesuggestions, clickhere.