Tightening market puts higher demands on college students

College hiring likely to be cut 42 percent in slumping economy

A new survey says 42 percent of employers expect to be cutting college hiring.

"The economy is bad and people just don't have job openings," Camille Luckenbaugh, employment information manager for the National Association of Colleges and Employers and organizer of the survey said.

The survey was conducted using large and small companies to get an accurate feel of the job market, Luckenbaugh said.

In order to find a career in the poor job market, college graduates need to make themselves more marketable.

Luckenbaugh said graduates can do this by making sure they have excellent communication skills, researching the company they are applying to, working with university career services and having work experience.

Before Ball State students graduate, professors try to provide students with the best education possible in order to prepare them for the work force, Luckenbaugh said.

However, professors sometimes cannot teach enough, meaning students enter the work force before even graduating.

"Every department encourages students to take part in an internship, but not all require it," Sheila Spisak, associate director of the Career Center said.

An internship gives students an advantage and makes them more attractive to employers, Spisak said. Internships give graduates a competitive edge in an employer's eye.

Cara Odell of Kelly Services in Muncie believes that an internship will only provide knowledge and does not play a large part in landing a job right after graduation.

"An internship only lasts a summer or a year," Odell said. "This is not enough time to prove what you can do."

Odell believes searching early is the key to finding a job right out of college.

The Ball State Career Center has introduced a new program this year to help students find jobs and internships. The new program, offering electronic job postings, is called Cardinal View Jobs and can be accessed through the Career Center's Web site at www.bsu.edu/careers.

Besides the new program, students can also use the Career Center's resources through job fairs, career information days, advising sessions, and the center's on-campus interviewing program.

"The job market is a lot tighter now, but there is always going to be opportunities for college graduates," Spisak said.


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