Professors in the News: Dr. Jeffrey Carter - a year of positive transition

Jeffrey Carter, associate director of choral activities, has big plans for the coming year.

He will direct the Ball State University Singers and the Ball State Chamber Choir.

Carter, a native of the Kansas City area holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Kansas and a Master of Arts degree in vocal performance from Central Missouri State University. Before he came to Ball State, Carter taught chorus and voice at Kentucky Wesleyan College.

Carter also conducts workshops, clinics and adjudications throughout the Midwest and also teaches private voice lessons.

Carter said both Ball State University Singers and the Chamber Choir will participate in regional choral convention in Indianapolis in February as part of a mass choir.

Carter also said he will lead a residency program that will feature American composer Gwyneth Walker.

Walker will conduct workshops with the choirs during her October visit. A concert scheduled for Oct. 31 will feature Walker's music. Funding for this event is provided through a grant from the Lilly Foundation and is sponsored by Ball State's student ACDA chapter.

"This year marks the 40th anniversary of University Singers, and plans are being finalized for a concert to be presented in the spring of 2004 that will include many Ball State alumni," Carter said. "It should be an exciting year for both University Singers and Chamber Choir. It will be a year of positive transition."

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