Ball State hit a record high of $25.2 million in funding for research from outside sources during the last school year -- a 26-percent increase from the previous year's $19.9 million.
"This is a big jump for us," said James Pyle, assistant vice president for research. "We are probably around fifth with this level of funding in the MAC, and that's several steps up from where we used to be."
The number of research projects can range from child care to architecture to environmental sciences. Pyle said about one in three faculty members are writing grants and proposals or participating in projects.
"It is our goal to have these projects reflect aspects of excellence at Ball State," Pyle said.
One project, known as GK12, will be funded by the National Science Foundation. The project will allow 10 graduate students to go into classrooms spanning all the grades in the Indianapolis public schools.
While in the classes, they will learn how to make science education more hands-on and prepare students for teaching at the graduate level.
"I think (the project) is really important," said Walter Smith, a professor of biology. "This is an interdepartmental project."
The Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Physics, Natural Resources and Environmental Management departments will be working with schools over the next three years with the $1.3 million grant provided by NSF.
"I'm looking forward to working with the hands-on part of science education," said Molly Crawford, a graduate student.
Because Ball State is gaining attention from outside funding, it is also gaining a national reputation, Pyle said.
"What I've seen in the past is, if you go very far outside Indiana, people don't have much of an idea about Ball State," Pyle said. "That's not true anymore. I don't have to say, 'I'm from Ball State. It's in Indiana. It's where David Letterman came from.'"
Pyle said he hopes students come out of research projects with a better understanding of their interests and a broader knowledge of people in their field of study.
"We are going to continue to have high levels of funding," Pyle said. "I think we will see a steady growth."
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