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Robert Lopez is a senior journalism major and writes 'What's the Deal with Airline Peanuts?' for the Daily News. His views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. |
I wonder if a bucket of KFC counts as a piece of carry-on luggage.
At 35,000 feet, hungry travelers have few options. They can either bring their own snacks (usually some greasy delights from the airport vendors) or make do with a bag of peanuts, like I did last week when I flew home from Houston.
Real food has become almost as much a rarity on the airlines as hot towels and playing cards. Faced with shrinking passenger rolls and growing security concerns, carriers have thrown out their microwavable meats and vegetables in favor of pretzels and stale cookies.
Sure, airline food isn't fine cuisine by any means. Unless you were traveling on Concorde (which is suspending service later this year), you probably shouldn't expect anything much above vending-machine level. But those plates of bland roast beef, dry salad and hard rolls with their signature packets of butter and jelly were filling.
Some domestic flights still do offer lunch and dinner, but anyone who desires more than a package of Goldfish and a can of apple juice would have to book a non-stop coast-to-coast flight. Even if you could get a good meal, you would have only a plastic knife and fork to cut it with.
It used to be that Pan-Am and TWA were the skies' four-star dining experiences. According to a recent San Diego Union-Tribune article, the airlines used to advertise gourmet meals, such as chateaubriand served on real China with linen napkins. But that was also an era when most passengers wouldn't enter an airport without donning a three-piece suit, and pilots were admired almost as much as movie stars. It was the jet age at its most glamorous as portrayed in Steven Spielberg's recent film, "Catch Me if You Can."
In the 1970s as the industry deregulated and fuel prices skyrocketed, the airlines began to roll out those paper trays with the plastic lining. The quality of the food quickly hit the tarmac.
There are still some surprises. The best in-flight meal I've ever had was a plate of bangers and mash, with red wine served in a real glass (in coach, no less), aboard a Virgin Airlines flight from London to Chicago. But on my trip from Houston I had maybe a dozen peanuts.
Recently, passengers have started griping about the pizza boxes and greasy bags some of the other flyers are bringing on board.
"The aroma filled the whole cabin," one frequent flyer was quoted as saying in a Chicago Daily Herald article about a fried chicken dinner. "The smell of grease coupled with a little turbulence almost put me over the edge."
Some airlines have begun to alleviate the situation by selling in-flight meals. Three dollars buys a snack box with cheese, crackers, nuts, beef jerky and cookies on America West Airlines. The Chicken Kiev will set you back $10.
"Nobody seems to mind paying $4 for a drink," another frequent flyer was quoted as saying in the Daily Herald. "I don't think paying for good food would be out of line. I hate schlepping food and sometimes go a whole day without eating when I fly because it's so inconvenient."
But for the most part, air travel will still leave you hungry. Only a few airlines are currently experimenting with the service. Airport eateries are a possibility, but their overpriced sandwiches and drinks take a big bite out of your wallet.
Perhaps the best solution would be to have a nice big meal before leaving home. You don't have to worry about the cordon bleu slipping off your tray table or the Coke spilling into your lap. And if you want some peanuts, you can just take a jar in your carry-on.
Write to Robert at rclopez@bsu.edu