When Ball State student senators entered their weekly meeting Wednesday, they were greeted by a reminder of their responsibilities.
"Those who walk through these doors today are committing their time, knowledge, and ability to ensure the Students at Ball State University have more opportunities tomorrow," a sign posted on the doors read.
This sign, which Student Government Association President Jayson Manship found while going through papers left over from the Olowomeye Administration, is one step Manship and the rest of the executive board have taken to motivate senators. The senators have received the message and said they will have legislation out early next fall.
The Academic Affairs committee is working on two pieces of legislation. The first is called redlining. The redlining policy would allow a student who has switched majors to drop classes from the old major that would bring down their grade point averages.
The second issue is peer mentoring. Peer mentors would assume the role of adviser for younger students with the same major. Peer mentors could potentially lighten the load placed on departmental advisers, although they would not replace them.