Our View: Wear it

AT ISSUE: Indiana among states without thorough motorcycle laws; should make strides for more

Indiana is one of several states that do not have laws requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets.

While passengers on motorcycles are required by law to wear helmets, drivers are exempt from this requirement.

Isn't it about time something changed?

During the 1980s, Indiana was one of the first states to adopt laws requiring seat belt use in motor vehicles. What does it say about a state that requires more safety measures of those who drive cars than those who drive motorcycles?

Since last week's motorcycle wreck, which severed Matthew P. Gilbert's right leg, safety and caution have been on the minds of bikers and passengers alike.

Wrecks like that should be wake-up calls not only to bikers, but to lawmakers as well.

No helmet can protect an entire body. However, more stringent laws for motorcycle safety may help eliminate future dangerous situations, because the reactions of local bikers are those of


Bikers have continued riding in the wake of last week's wreck, but the mood has been slightly different, sophomore Chad Fry said in a Daily News story.

"It's just not as lively," Fry said.

Fry said the accident is in the minds of all the regulars who ride, but the mind sets of the bikers won't change significantly.

"(The accident) will make me be a little more careful," Fry said. "I'll still bring it up and pull a wheelie."

Another rider, who asked not to be identified, cited the warm-weather as a reason. Riders only have six months to enjoy their hobby, so they must endure.

"I didn't feel like riding today," the biker said then. "But it's nice out. You have to take advantage of the weather."

We're not condemning the hobby itself, but the riders must respond with more than indifference.

Riders can't stop riding, but to simply ignore safety measures is just silly.

If riders can't take the initiative to be safer, it's time for state legislation to come into play.


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