Our View: Smooth criminal

AT ISSUE: Convicted robber of local convenience store sues clerk who shot him

A convicted robber is suing the clerk who shot him as he fled after holding up a Muncie convenience store, the Associated Press reported Wednesday.

Somebody call "World's Dumbest Criminals."

Willie Brown, 44, claimed the clerk acted "maliciously and sadistically" in firing five shots as Brown ran out of Zipps Deli with money from the store's cash register.

How does one use a gun any other way? Is there a polite way to shoot people?

Two bullets struck Brown's back and side, and he was arrested in a nearby home a few minutes after the holdup on March 15, 2002. Brown pleaded guilty to robbery in February and was sentenced last week to four years in prison, according to the report.

In a lawsuit filed recently in Delaware County Circuit Court, Brown claimed "there was no need for the use of deadly force" when the clerk fired at him.

Brown, who seeks unspecified damages, said the shooting had "prevented him from transacting his business" and that he continued to "suffer nightmares as the result of this assault upon his life."

Never mind the business that Brown himself prevented Zipps Deli from "transacting." Forget the profits Brown was attempting to deprive from the business.

And do shed a tear for Brown, who had nightmares when his victim used "deadly force" to help catch him.

The clerk, Paul Grant, and his father, Richard B. Grant, the owner of Zipps Deli, were named as defendants in the case.

Chief Deputy Prosecutor J.A. Cummins said he was aware of Brown's lawsuit but "found no criminal wrongdoing in what the clerk did in defending himself."

Brown was convicted of robbing an employee at a pizza restaurant in 1991. He also has two prior convictions for burglary.

So, basically, Brown is a repeat offender who finally went too far.

Robbing a privately owned business on Muncie's South Madison Street is dumb enough, but attempting to drum up sympathy because the robbery didn't work out is just pathetic.

While the Daily News does not condone vigilantism, it is the right of every American to bear arms and defend himself or herself and his or her property.


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