Our View: Live... with Andy Beckman

AT ISSUE: Students show school pride by voting fellow student onto morning show

A Ball State senior suddenly has a very bright future ahead of him thanks to the friends he's made at Ball State.

Andy Beckman, a telecommunications major, won the American Co-Host Search Friday. He will co-host the show "Live with Regis and Kelly" while Kelly Ripa is on maternity leave.

Beckman won the spot after a nationwide vote. Apparently, the producers knew where the votes were coming from, and most were coming from Delaware County and Northeast Indiana. In fact, Beckman was told that his friends were crowding computer labs at 3 a.m. the morning of the announcement, placing even more votes.

In fact, while the polls were open, a concerted publicity effort was taking place here at Ball State. Flyers were showing up everywhere, and discussion about Beckman was on the tip of everyone's tongue.

To see so many Ball State students come together to promote their fellow student is encouraging. Every Ball State student should be as lucky as Beckman to see his entire school rally behind him. Not only will this promote Beckman's name, but it will promote Ball State, making more and more people aware of the school, its programs and its students.

Too many people accuse Ball State students of apathy, saying time and time again that they don't rise up to challenges, and that they show no interest in the world around them.

This was an opportunity to prove that they do care, and they did rise to the challenge.

Last week, Ball State students weren't apathetic, no matter what anyone says.

Congratulations to Beckman, and congratulations to the students at Ball State for helping out a fellow Cardinal.


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