Letter to the Editor

Dean expresses thanks to review participants

Dear Editor,

I write as Dean of Teachers College at Ball State University and as an alumnus (BS '68, MAE '71) to express appreciation for everyone who participated in a review of education programs by a a joint examination team from the Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB) and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

The team was here from April 12-16 and visited with students, faculty, staff and administrators both on campus and in our partnership schools in Madison, Marion and Delaware counties.

I am proud of all involved, not only those with whom team members visited, but also custodians and persons in transportation, food services, and others who worked behind the scenes to make the visit a success.

The willingness of all to be candid, quick to respond to requests, thoughtful and kind will always be remembered.

The IPSB/NCATE team was professional and useful in helping us think about how to improve what we already consider to be among the best education programs in the nation. Thanks to all!

Dr. Roy Weaver

Dean of Teachers College


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