Letter to the Editor

Rock 'n' roll fan commends column

Dear Editor,

I just wanted complement Allyn West on his article titled "Feminism great; men write shoddy songs," in the April 16th Daily News. He hit a bull's eye.

I completely agree with his opinion and I pray many others do too. I'm so fed up with the music scene right now and its shoddy form of advertisement. I can't recall purchasing a CD from a band whose members haven't been around for at least 10 years.

The only new "talent" out there sucks, and I'm just wondering what kind of role models young kids have to get inspired to make their own music these days. What has happened to the artistic talent everyone once loved?

If it wasn't for the Seattle scene back in early 1990s and my dad opening my eyes to great classic rock like Creedence Clearwater Revival, Tom Petty, John Mellencamp and the Beatles to name a few, I wouldn't have been inspired to learn guitar.

I also love to write, but if I'm going to be angry, I want to tell the story and be done with it. I want nothing to sound the same. I want to have a great time with rock 'n' roll as it was intended. I just don't see any new bands being antagonists these days fighting against what is being played out there on the radio.

I've decided to record a CD later this year with some friends and send it out to record labels; I don't expect to make it big -- I don't even have a chance. I just want to prove to myself that what every artist the industry wants me to hear are guys whining lyrics crap rock.

So if you see a couple of guys and myself sporting BSU apparel on "Late Show with David Letterman" and playing a long forgotten style of rock music, you'll know someone's finally heard mine and Allyn's shared opinion.

Until this industrial standstill ends, long live rock 'n' roll.

Eddie Igras



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