Charmingly Dishevelled: Political debate part of America, shouldn't go away

Allyn West is a junior journalism major and writes 'Charmingly Dishevelled' for the Daily News. His views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper.

So, there's a war in Iraq and by now, a lot of people are dead.

A lot more will die.

I think we all can agree that Saddam Hussein is dangerous, a tyrant and (generally) a narcissistic, malevolent leader seeking his eventual martyrdom without regard for the welfare of the people from whom he demands worship, or at the very least, blind, unwavering loyalty.

The Bush administration, most of the citizens of America and other global proponents of democracy (plus a significant segment of Iraq) want him out of power. This is fine. Our government decided Saddam Hussein posed a threat. Our government decided invasion was necessary.

But, whether war, our invasion or the still-increasing list of American, allied and Iraqi casualties was/is necessary is not for you or me decide.

Still, that doesn't mean our country has to shut its collective mouth or eat only what's put in front of it.

Opinion is everywhere. Whether in the form of anti-Bush acceptance speeches, altered song lyrics, supportive bumper stickers, protest signs or hand-scrawled, pro-war T-shirts, free expression and intellectual debate is necessary, productive and without question, American.

Our Ball State Daily News, as well as every other form of media in the world, has been bombarded with editorial content, informative maps and graphics and other disseminations of news we should use. Alarming photographs of fire or smoke or other devices in the art of war color magazines in the newsstands. Every front-page headline or newsweekly cover teaser boasts more coverage, more reaction and more journalistic gluttony.

This is good.

We have to understand that this recent barrage of political and social conversation is a basic distinction that defines "America." We're here, blessed with the ability to climb atop a soapbox and criticize or applaud because of the dissent, argument and rebellion of those leaders who came before us.

A war should not stop our discussion. It should spark it, and it should challenge us to challenge our leaders--which is, after all, not "un-American," but the point of democracy.

Acclaimed film director and vocal protester, Michael Moore, who during his Oscar acceptance speech voiced harsh anti-Bush and anti-war sentiment, was called un-American. He said, in an article by Jack Garner from the Democrat and Chronicle, "One lady in Flint, Mich., yesterday yelled 'Go Bush' at me."

But, he added, "But that's OK. At least people are thinking politically. ... It's unpatriotic to remain silent when you believe something is wrong."

Even Barbara Streisand gets it. She said, "I am glad that I live in a country that guarantees every citizen, including artists, the right to say and to sing what you believe."

Personally, I haven't decided if the war is necessary, or if I would fight, or if I feel guilty, or how I should support the troops, or if I hate or love Bush for orchestrating the invasion. But, it doesn't really matter, as long as I am talking, writing and exchanging ideas.

My individual voice may be insignificant, and President Bush will never hear my stupid opinion, but I'll continue to fulfill my rights and responsibilities as an American living in a democracy.

I encourage you to do the same.

Write to Allyn at


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