As the U.S.-led military campaign against Iraq began, students had varied reactions to President Bush's address to the nation Wednesday night.
Some students were assured by the intent to inform citizens.
"It gives me more information," junior Hope Goshert said. "I understood Saddam had weapons, so now I guess we'll just wait and see."
Freshman Max Guyll felt Bush made his point.
"It was very clear; he came out and made his point that we're waging a war against Saddam and not the Iraqi people," Guyll said.
Jessica Conway, freshman, said she believes war was evident ever since Sept. 11, and she was glad Bush confronted Saddam.
Though other students weren't surprised at what was said, they appreciated the attempt.
"I'm not surprised at what was said, but I appreciate the fact that he's explaining he wants to go after Saddam," Susan Robison, sophomore, said. Some were not so reassured, however.
"I think he pretty much continued in what he's been doing with the war so far, and he's specific in goals in the war," senior Susan Stokdyk said. "But he was trying to be reassuring, and that's not one of his strong points. I'm kind of scared."
Sophomore Wendy Gutana said she is terrified for her mother, who is in the Philippines, due to possible terrorist attacks that may be spurred by an attack on Iraq.
"We're inviting that tragedy by invading a country," Gutana said. "I think (Bush) is very arrogant about going in. I think it was decided a long time ago, and he's just given it time to gather support."
Not all students felt Bush said enough.
"I was disappointed because (the speech) didn't say more," freshman Molly Fields said. "I want it to happen now because we're all ready."
Fields said, though, she was comforted by the speech.
"It put me at ease a lot that he's going to liberate, not battle the Iraqis. Originally, I was against the war, but since it's happening anyway, I support it."
Chad Compton, freshman, said he liked Bush's truthfulness in the length of war.
"It was probably the one part I liked because he was actually being honest," Compton said. "I honestly think we'll win, but it's not going to be as quick and painless as people think."
The change of length had a bad effect on some students though.
"It just seems like before, he made it seem like it was going to be short and quick," Colleen Haney said. "Kind of makes you think what else he's going to change his mind on."
Junior Matt Whisner said he didn't believe Bush really has respect for the Iraqi people, because he wouldn't be attacking them if he did.