A Muncie resident plans to send a petition to university administrators asking them to reconsider the use of some pesticides and herbicides at Ball State.
Mikey Brooks, 25, collected more than 140 signatures from students, faculty and community members Monday at the Scramble Light.
Signers of the petition requested the university to stop using pesticides and herbicides for cosmetic uses on campus, promote native biodiversity and post notification whenever pesticides and herbicides are used on campus, according to the petition.
"Chemical lawn care, especially by large institutions, creates a public perception that controlling and destroying natural systems is appropriate and safe," a handout given to petitioners stated.
Brooks said he is concerned about effects from pesticides and herbicides the university uses, such as acephate, carbaryl and other chemicals.
Acephate is moderately toxic to birds and may affect behavior and breeding, according to the handout. Carbaryl may severely affect earthworms and is toxic to fish, birds and bees.
"A lot of this stuff has been found in the White River," Brooks said. "I would like to be able to drink from the White River. I would like to swim in the White River."
Chemicals in pesticides and herbicides are detrimental to humans, negatively affect water quality, have cruel effects on animals, and are costly to use, according to the handout. Cosmetic use of chemicals also speeds the rate at which insects and plants develop resistance to commonly used chemicals, causing problems for agriculture, the handout states.
But Kevin Kenyon, vice president of Facilities, Planning and Management, said Ball State uses pesticides and herbicides in a safe and responsible manner.
"I haven't seen any damage from the chemicals," Kenyon said. "We wouldn't use them if they weren't beneficial. We don't misuse them."
Ball State employees are certified by the state in use of pesticides and herbicides, Kenyon said. The state does not require university workers to be certified, but Kenyon said they do so because it provides training in laws, environmental consequences and storage and use of chemicals.
Petitioners requested Ball State post notification of chemical use after spraying pesticides and herbicides. Indiana law only requires commercial lawn care companies to post warning notices after chemicals are applied. Public institutions like Ball State are exempt from the law.
"We don't have to post signs," Kenyon said. "If they're asking us to do that, that's good feedback from the campus."
The handout suggests several alternatives to using chemicals, such as using labor instead of chemicals to maintain campus grounds.
"That's just not cost effective," Kenyon said. "We just can't afford it."
The handout also suggested the university could live with some weeds.
"I think we do," Kenyon said. "We don't kill every single weed. But we want to give the grass a chance (to live)."
Brooks' concern about cosmetic use of pesticides and herbicides on campus came from a discussion about worms.
"Somebody said that there is a noticeable lack of earthworms (on campus) than there are at untreated campuses," Brooks said standing in front of a mock "worm graveyard."
"We have about 100 grave stones," Brooks said. "I'd imagine that at least 100 worms have been killed."
But Kenyon said the soil on campus isn't highly organic because the university rakes up leaves and cut grass. A highly organic soil is needed for worms to live.
The university disposes of leaves and cut grass because the amount of each would cover the grass and keep it from living.
Kenyon did say some of the chemicals used do kill bees.
"We try to minimize that by spraying when bees are not that active," Kenyon said.
While university workers do spray for cosmetic purposes, such as killing weeds, Kenyon said he must do so to keep the campus accessible and to keep wild growth under control.
"Do we use (chemical sprays) for cosmetic purposes? Yes we do," Kenyon said. "But only when we have to. I'm expected to keep the lawns looking nice. That's part of my job."