Peaceworkers advocate alternatives to war in Iraq

Group members believe government needs better reasoning for Middle East attacks.

Endangering U.S. soldiers is one of the biggest threats of a possible war in Iraq, said George Wolfe, director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies.

Wolfe spoke as part of a teach-in held in the Art and Journalism Building Wednesday. The seminar followed a peace march that began at the LaFollette Complex, went down to the Scramble Light and ended back at the AJ building.

"We have to advocate non-violent solutions (to conflict)," Wolfe said. "We don't want to use our troops as political footballs."

Senior Shane House, a participant in the march, said he served in the U.S. Air Force for six years.

"I still have friends in the service, and I don't want them fighting in an unjust war," House said. "But even if they went, I'd still support them and give them hugs when they came back."

House said he would support a war in Iraq if the government had given a better case to support the conflict.

"I'm not totally against the war," House said. "At times it is necessary, but it has not been proven to me as necessary (by the government)."

The march and teach-in was held by the PeaceWorkers, a student and faculty group that tries to find peaceful solutions to political and environmental problems, said junior Tony Piazza.

During the teach-in, four group members gave their reasons why the government has not provided enough reasoning for a war in Iraq.

The real issues involved in the conflict with Iraq, not rumors, should be examined, Wolfe said.

"We need to avoid exaggerating problems and reactionary rhetoric," Wolfe said.

Speakers did this by citing data from such sources as Newsweek, Newsday and Fox News.

Another danger to soldiers is a possible outbreak of illness similar to the Gulf War Syndrome, said John Pichtel, professor of natural resources and environmental management.

Other hazards of war in Iraq include a large number of civilian casualties and damage to oil sites, Pichtel said. Almost 10 million barrels of oil were lost in the Persian Gulf in 1991, he said.

"We do support troops," Pichtel said. "We're just against the rationale behind this war."

Part of the U.S. reason for war is that Iraq has nuclear and biological weapons it is hiding and not destroying, said freshman Jonathan Hendrix.

But the fact, Hendrix said, is the U.S. has no hard evidence that those weapons exist. According to an article in Newsday, Hans Blix, chief U.N. weapons inspector, said no proof of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq exists.

Continued U.N. weapons inspections, not war, is the answer, Hendrix said.

"The world is not in support of war, and Saddam is not a threat to the American people," senior Rachel Yoder, a participant in the march, said.

North Korea's possible possession of nuclear weapons poses a bigger threat to the United States, Yoder said.

"The government needs to be held accountable to its citizens," senior Nicole Wick, a marcher and member of PeaceWorkers, said. "This is when it's most important (to protest). Perhaps (war) is inevitable, but maybe our protests will help bring war to an end more quickly."


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