Dear Editor,
After paying a lot of attention to details over the past few months, I have come to the conclusion that liberals are absolutely correct; the war in Iraq is definitely about oil. Not for America, but for the French and the Germans.
If, in fact, it was our goal to rule the Iraqi oil fields, don't you think we would have done that after the first Gulf war? The truth is that France and Germany feel threatened by a war in Iraq because they risk the loss of their lucrative oil contracts.
Oh yes, and let's not forget that it is France and Germany who have supplied Iraq over the past few years with their weapons technology. Could they be worried about us finding those "made in" labels when all is said and done? I think so.
In recent reports, France says that they, of all people, should understand what it feels like to live under occupation. Well then, they, of all people, should also understand what it feels like to be liberated by the Americans. I mean, its only happened twice in the past 100 years.
One would think that Europeans would have learned something about appeasing brutal dictators by now, but then again, I'm sure the French had the Germans right where the wanted them, right?
Gordon Swafford