Your Turn: Loving will support Manship's crew

Fellow students:

The last few weeks have been an interesting journey. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting many of you and I hope to take your input back to the student Senate.

To the many of you who cast your vote for my team, I can only echo the sentiments of Jeff Malloy, I feel as though I have let you down. I promise you all that I will do the best that I can to bring my campaign issues to the forefront in the next year of Senate. We will not slip into obscurity.

I would also like to thank the members of my slate and staff. Jeremy, Nataki, and Donna: It has been a great honor to work with all of you. Your passion for the work that we do is amazing. Those who would question your commitment or character obviously do not know you as I do.

To Rob, Justin, Jen, and Sara: Your contributions to our campaign were immeasurable. We could not have done all that we did without your support.

Finally, to Chris Borkowski: Your contributions to this campus and to the students of this state have helped afford us a better education. Criticism is the nature of politics; in order to serve, we must accept that fact. You are a true friend, and I thank you.

Over the past few weeks much has been said about me, my team, and my campaign manager. I chose not to respond because I do not respond to mudslinging. Now it is evident that I should have responded long ago.

We hung some posters up over other advertisements and were fined accordingly. To those groups whose advertisements were covered, I offer my apologies and I sincerely hope that they accept.

I will not, however, apologize for the "gentleman's agreement." We made a deal with the other slate that we wouldn't tear their posters down if they didn't tear ours down and that if we found them in violation of the elections code we would give them a chance to rectify the situation if they gave us the same courtesy.

There is nothing unethical about that. We never tried to circumvent the elections board or the Daily News. We wanted to run a clean and fair campaign just as the Manship Slate intended, and I think we both did our best to do so.

Jayson, Adam, Rich, and Eric: The student body has voted overwhelmingly in support of you and your platform. You guys will do a great job and I look forward to working with you next year. Contrary to popular belief, I will offer no resistance to your presidency. Only by working together can we initiate change.

I would like to conclude by offering a challenge to the student body. I challenge you to get involved. Join an organization; protest something; support something. When President Manship holds a forum ... GO. When they do a great job, tell them. When they screw up, call them on it. They can only do their job with your support.

Fellow students, it has been a pleasure.

Write to Nick at


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