Teaching creativity

Architecture students help kindergartners build 'special places'.

Ball State's American Institute of Architecture Students recently used cereal boxes, neon straws and curly pipe cleaners to help teach a lesson in creativity to 25 local kindergartners.

Thursday was the first time AIAS visited Pla-N-Stuf, an all-day private kindergarten located in Muncie. But the group plans to make many visits to the school during the course of the semester, incorporating new themes each visit.

Thursday's theme was for the kindergartners to build a place they have never been or a place they would like to visit.

"We have a problem here today, and we need your help to help us remember," junior Joellen Pahs told the kindergartners. "We ran out of ideas, but you can help us to make a new place, just for you, full of your favorite things."

The kindergartners built structures of homes, circuses, children's museums and Disney World around their classroom with the variety of materials brought in by the nine student volunteers from AIAS.

"Children are much more creative than we are," said junior Jason Barisano, president of AIAS. "We hope to get them to start thinking about architecture at an earlier age."

One of the preschoolers made an airplane with colored Popsicle sticks and an empty brownie treat box.

"This was my first time building it (an airplane)," 6-year-old Brent Morris said. "My brother once made me one, so I'm going to give this one to him."

Many of the architecture students said they were not given many directions at an early age about the concept of architecture. The exception was using their own imagination while playing with Legos and Lincoln Logs.

Junior Laura Kinkopf said her education while growing up focused mostly on two dimensions rather than three.

"During the earlier concept stages, it's important to get children working with the general idea," Kinkopf said.

Arlene Smith, who has been an educator at Pla-N-Stuf for the past 16 years, said she likes to concentrate on hands-on learning.

"They learn to be creative, how structures stand up and the support that it takes," Smith said. "It broadens their image in the fact that they can create something out of nothing."

At the end of Thursday's activity, the kindergartners presented their class with the structures they built. One 6-year-old boy proudly held up the castle he made out of an empty chocolate box and toilet paper rolls.

AIAS members said college students of any academic discipline could help younger kids with projects like the castle.

Barisano said any students interested in attending the next visit should consult the Ball State Web site for details.

"I think we should have brought more of us since (the kindergartners) relied on our help so much," junior Kristy Davis said.


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