The Manship Slate won this year's SGA presidential election by 619 votes.
In Monday's Daily News, the editorial board voted to endorse their opponents, the Loving Slate.
But as stated in that day's editorial, the Loving Slate won that decision by one vote. The Daily News congratulates the Manship Slate on their victory and knows they have potential to succeed in the coming year.
But the time to celebrate is all but over.
The difference between the Manship and the Loving slates is their familiarity with SGA. The Manship Slate now needs to take a crash course in student government before they are inaugurated.
They need to know the procedures. They need to know the senators. They need to know what works and what doesn't work. They need to know how to fix those things.
This is not suggesting that all the effort should be left up to the Manship Slate. Senators should take the responsibility of working with it. Whether senators like it or not, the Manship Slate members are going to be leading SGA. The voters put Manship in that position for a reason.
Much can be accomplished with an executive board representing "thinking outside the box" and a senate that knows the ropes - as long as both senators and the executive board work together toward a common goal.
The students made their choice, and they chose Manship. Now it's time for SGA as a whole to do what's best for the students.