Our View: Loving For President

AT ISSUE: Despite flaws, the Loving Slate has the best chance of getting things accomplished.

The Daily News supports the Loving Slate in this year's Student Government Association election.

But only by one vote.

In a meeting of the Daily News editors, seven voted in favor of the Loving Slate, six voted in favor of the Manship Slate, three abstained and one was absent.

It came down to experience.

The Loving Slate does not need to spend any time learning how SGA works. They know the drill. While the idea of new blood and outside-the-box ideas in SGA seem appealing, the Manship Slate will need time to learn how to propose these new ideas. Meanwhile, the Loving Slate has pledged to put legislation on the desk of the president pro-tempore the Friday after their inauguration.

The Manship Slate is also weak on diversity. While its members are correct in saying that diversity is more than skin deep, there are certain experiences four white men from Indiana won't have and won't understand. The Loving Slate's makeup -- two white males, one white woman and one black woman -- will help its members understand all sides of the issues.

But the editors' support is not overwhelming. The most significant reason for this is that questionable tactics were used early in the campaign -- tactics that appear like they were meant to keep information out of the newspapers and away from students. The nature of the agreements that were made make it hard to decipher who is responsible. Much of it appears to center around Loving's campaign manager, Chris Borkowski, who is sometimes more vocal in this election than Nick Loving himself.

The Daily News said earlier it would not endorse a slate whose candidates or staff are in favor of secrecy. It is difficult to be sure what Borkowski's intentions were. The Loving Slate members themselves, meanwhile, have condemned secrecy and said they have put a leash on their campaign manager.

While the Manship Slate would use its summer to learn the ins and outs of student government, the Loving Slate has the ability to put legislation on the table immediately, without a hitch. It can also do so while representing a more diverse group of students.

All slates have positives and negatives. This year, the slate with the most potential is the Loving Slate. Please give them your support.


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