Our View: Indy Go?

AT ISSUE: Indianapolis census reports show residents commuting via subway and ferry, despite neither existing.

Sometimes, news oddities are too funny to ignore.

According to a Tuesday report in The Star Press, hundreds of Indianapolis residents told the U.S. Census Bureau that they ride a subway or ferry to work, even though neither exist anywhere in Indy.

The 2000 census reported more than 230 people in Indianapolis take the subway to work. Roughly 130 ride a trolley, and still another 25 ride the ferry.

For the record, Indianapolis is quite landlocked.

According to the report, the Census Bureau refers to these statistics as "anomalies," which are usually the product of a flawed question.

Phil Salopek, a census demographer, said that these answers may be because a portion of those surveyed were in another town, possibly on business.

Salopek said the bureau does not alter findings that appear unusual, strange or impossible. Sometimes, although improbable, the numbers are still true.

However, unless a mass transit system was erected, used and dismantled without a trace, it is still safe to assume these numbers are false.

Sadly, students traveling to the Indianapolis area must continue to rely on automobiles.


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