Three weeks of campaigning for the Loving Slate came to an end with two words from the lips of Nick Loving last night: "Thanks Joe."
That was all the former presidential candidate could muster after elections board chairman Joe Flores informed Loving that his slate lost the presidential election with a final total of 1,329 Manship votes to 710 votes for Loving.
The announcement ended a rough campaign for the Loving Slate, one that included fines, behind-the-scenes deals and accusations of mud-slinging. Loving said he thought the vote would have been much closer, but his theory was dispelled when he learned his slate lost by more than 600 votes.
"I was shocked that we lost by 600 votes," Loving said. "I didn't know who would win, but I thought it was going to be close."
The mood at the Loving headquarters, which was actually Loving's girlfriend's house, was light and relaxed before the announcement. "The Simpsons" were the entertainment and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles popped up in the conversation.
The mood changed, though, with Flores' phone call.
When she first heard the news, treasurer candidate Nataki Sanders said she was shocked.
"You've got to be kidding me," Sanders said when asked what her first thoughts were after she heard. "Who voted? That's what I really wanted to know."
Sanders was the most vocal member of the Loving Slate after the announcement was made. The junior said she tried to be professional during the campaign, but the truth needed to be told.
"I thought that we were stronger," Sanders said. "We know what's going on and they don't have a clue."
Sanders also questioned president-elect Jayson Manship's integrity.
"Right now I'd say he has no integrity," Sanders said. "He was very slimy (during campaigning). They did every dirty thing that politicians always do and they won.
"I wish them good luck. I mean that in all sincerity, but I also mean it in all sarcasm."
Donna Dodson, the secretarial candidate on the Loving Slate, said it will now be up to the students to keep tabs on the Manship Slate.
"We couldn't prove anything during elections," Dodson said. "We leave it to the student body to hold him accountable."
Manship said he would not respond to the comments because the election -- and the mud-slinging -- is over.
Despite any hard feelings any member of the Loving Slate may have toward the Manship Slate, each member said Manship's presence wouldn't keep them from being involved in Senate in the future. None of them said for sure, though, whether or not they would return.
Loving, whose term as a Senator expires March 19, called his decision "a toss-up."
"I think it might be a little weird," Loving said.
He also said that he needs a job in lieu of the full-tuition stipend the SGA president receives. Sanders and vice-presidential candidate Jeremy Kalvaitis also said they may seek employment. Dodson, who is not currently in Senate because of a schedule conflict, says she will return as long as her classes allow it.
The Loving Slate said it will still push its platform issues even though they will not move into the executive board positions. Students who aren't senators can write legislation for SGA as long as they are sponsored by a Senator. Loving Slate campaign manager Chris Borkowski said he plans on having legislation for the Senate the week the Manship Slate is inaugurated.
Borkowski also said that he was told by Loving that he was not to speak to the media about the campaign.
The election loss concluded a hard day for the Loving Slate. Tuesday morning, the SGA Judiciary Board turned down the slate's appeal of two fines totaling $280. The fines were levied for posters that were hung in places banned by the elections code.