Letter to the editor: Quote perceived as ethnic slur, disrespectful to blacks

Dear Editor,

In the Jan. 17 issue of the Daily News, Moses Warren was quoted on the front page as saying "Ya know what, next semester I'm going to get more involved."

There is no reason for Warren to be represented in such a disrespectful manner. Warren knows how to spell the word "you." If the reporter had asked him to write out his quote, I'm sure that he could spell every word correctly. However, the reporter made a decision to purposely insert a typographical error into his speech.

When did the Daily News start reporting phonetically? If I say "rendezvous" will I be quoted as saying "rahn-day-voo?" I expect interviews with foreign exchange students to become much more flavorful. I'm looking forward to reading quotes in a large variety of accents.

Now is an excellent time to unpack some cultural baggage. Not only the reporter but also all of the editors who proofread the story thought it was perfectly acceptable to misquote Warren. I can't help but think that this decision was made based on his ethnic background.

Warren did not say "ya." He said "you." I hope that the Daily News staff utilizes Unity Week as an excuse to take a serious time-out and discuss the sorts of racial inequalities that exist in their reporting and their institution overall.

Danny Gawlowski


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