Dear Editor,
In response to Mayor Canan's letter in the Feb. 19 Daily News, I find it very amusing that our mayor felt compelled to write a response to the snow removal joke. He writes, "I am sure this was an attempt at humor, but to the men and women of the Muncie Street Department it is a slap in the face."
Mr. Canan, I'll tell you a couple of things that are slaps in the face. First is the fact that the city feels no need to repave the streets. Every time I drive, I think my shocks and struts will wear out. The potholes in Muncie's streets are hideous. Just patching the holes does little to fix the problem permanently.
Second is the overall economic climate. As our mayor, what have you done to stimulate economic growth and activity for this town? A Best Buy and a new IHOP? Those don't count. Muncie is the home of the minimum-wage job. Just look around, Mr. Mayor. This place is depressed.
The reason students leave when they graduate is because the city has neglected them. They see no opportunity here. Muncie has fallen victim to urban sprawl. There has to be some attempt to bring in business. Bring some jobs in and start to care about city facilities; there may be a turnaround in Muncie's future.
You may say that most kids are here just for school, and that may be the case, but I expect a little more from a city where I choose to live. Muncie is not all bad; it does have Ball State and a couple of very good libraries. A lot of students have never been off campus or downtown. There is a reason: Nothing's there. The city of Muncie is drastically different from Ball State University.
I acknowledge that I don't see everything that goes on behind the scenes. I don't dislike Muncie. I have enjoyed living here because of the people I have met and the beautiful campus. Muncie has a lot of potential that could be realized if the local government started to care and did something about it.
Paul Spors