Dear Editor,
There was a comment in the Feb. 14, 2003 Daily News about the Manship Slate. It was implied that there needs to be more diversity on the slate. Yet, it was contradicted by stating there was no correlation between the slate's ethnicity and the lack of their productiveness as a group.
Lately, I have read and heard a lot of complaints on diversity around campus. We are all equal and should be given an equal chance because that principle founded this country. Yet, when we refer to diversity on his slate by saying he "should work with people who can help you see the world from a different view" it saddens me.
Just because his slate is made up of four caucasians does not hint that these men do not have different world views. We all come from different backgrounds but until we start trying to view everyone as a plain American without an ethnicity involved, there will always be people who harbor bias. Anyone who is brave enough to speak out in a controversial situation should have respect. Maybe the slate's ethnicity is coincidental, not intentional.
Jennifer Bzdil