Letter to the editor: Leaders ignoring people with dissenting opinions

Dear Editor,

When did America stop being a democracy?

In the Feb. 19 Associated Press article "Bush: Protests will not deter war," President Bush declared that "America's security should not be dictated by protesters."

Although American security is an important issue, I am not currently as worried about security as I am about what seems to be an increasing tendency in the highest ranks of our government to ignore the dissenting voices among its own constituents.

There are more than just 300-400 voices in America speaking in opposition to aggression against Iraq. As this past weekend showed, this opposition is not just held by countries outside of ours -- more than a million people protested the war in cities all over the United States, as well as in other countries around the world.

In an extended version of the AP article (found at Salon.com), President Bush said, "Democracy is a beautiful thing, and people are allowed to express their opinion." However, if we live in a country where government representatives are choosing to ignore the voices of a growing number of people (not to mention the voices of an international community of which the U.S. is a part), we are not living in a democracy. Americans are calling out to their representatives, and our ultimate representative, President Bush, is turning his back on the people he speaks for -- many of whom no longer trust what he is saying.

Those outside the movement or those favoring the war often label war protesters "unpatriotic" or "un-American." There is nothing unpatriotic about caring for your country enough to worry about its future, and to question the motives and actions of those in power. That is the duty of every American.

Even someone in favor of war should recognize the disturbing discrepancy between Bush's words and actions. He may speak about democracy, but he is attempting to send those with valid concerns away with a condescending pat on the head.

Laura Kenkel


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