The Temporal Front: Democrats' agenda not based on facts, but misconceptions

The lies being told by Democrats are finally being tested. I will admit that the mainstream media outlets have been ignoring most of them, but what matters is that the growing conservative media outlets are finally challenging the uneducated, or possible purposefully deceptive, remarks of many Democrats.

Recently, some Democrats wanted to reinstate the draft. According to the Washington Post, "Reps. Charles Rangel of New York and John Conyers of Michigan, said the nation must debate whether it should continue with a fighting force comprised disproportionately of people from low-income families and minorities."

Of course they were both using the race baiting and class warfare that they love so much for their political gain. Neither the poor, nor those of minority status make up a disproportionate number of those on the front lines. The Department of Defense released numbers showing just how much those Democrats are willing to lie to gain political ground.

The truth is that the actual numbers virtually mirror the population of the United States. In addition, it was revealed that more minorities actually make up an off-balance number of administrative and support jobs proving that military service is viewed by many minorities as an opportunity to excel with training and experience.

Once again, Democratic initiatives are defeated by the facts.

One of the great deceptions that Democrats like to use regularly is that Republicans are bankrolled by their loads and loads of millionaire friends. Of course, the truth tears their argument to pieces.

According to the Washington Times, those who gave $1 million or more gave overwhelmingly to Democrats by a 12:1 ratio. While the Republicans did draw more monetary support it was overwhelmingly from small donors between $200 and $1000. The GOP raised 1.5 times more in that category than Democrats. By attracting 40 percent more contributors, the Republicans have destroyed another piece of propaganda.

Finally, the saddest, most disturbing half-truth that Democrats use is a blatant lie. Many times you will hear Democrats cry, weep, and moan about the "hungry children" or those "poor children who go without."

In November, the Heritage Foundation did an analysis of the numbers published by the Department of Health and Human Services and found a disturbing statistic. America's children are healthier and heavier now than 50 years ago, and the real health problems of the poor deal with over-consumption of food.

The entire barrage of statistics is too great to list here, but you can find the link on my Web site. The most important are that: "poor American children are simply giants by international or historic standards. By the time poor boys reach age 18, they are, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than a middle-class boy of the same age in the late 1950s."

Further, "American children, both rich and poor, are remarkably well nourished. The average amount of protein, vitamins and minerals consumed by poor children is virtually identical with what middle-class children consume." The Heritage Foundation found the truth and the mainstream media ignored it.

It is time for the citizens of this nation to get the facts. For too long, the media in this nation have ignored the facts to support an agenda. For too long, Democrats have been allowed to say whatever they wish without challenge. That time is over.

Write to Russell at



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