Student bids BSU farewell

Freshman Penn Edward leaves college to serve country in possible war.

Monday night seemed like a normal night for Penn Edward at NewsCenter43, but the freshman is about to give up his position as director to follow the orders of his commander in chief.

As a Marine Corps Reserve, 19-year-old Edward is due to arrive at Camp Lejeune Marine Corps base in North Carolina by Monday. Upon arrival, Edward said he will just wait for further orders.

Decked out in his Marine Corps uniform, Edward stood in a circle with producers, managers and editors after Monday's 9 p.m. broadcast of NewsCenter43.

He said he feels indifferent about being called to service.

"I was on active duty before; it's just another break from school," Edward said jokingly. "I don't think it's really hit yet. Right now I'm just concentrating on getting my personal affairs taken care of."

"I'm going to miss everybody here," he said. "(NewsCenter43) is really just one big family."

In the circle, Edward recalled his beginnings in the world of broadcasting.

"I started my junior year of high school and kinda got hooked," Edward said. "It's fun, and I like television. Its different every day."

Edward jokes easily and often with his co-workers, who have become his good friends.

"We have to keep a good atmosphere," said Scott Hums, production manager for NewsCenter43. Hums said the stress and fast pace of broadcasting can strain one's nerves at times.

Dustin Grove, news director, stresses the importance of the group's camaraderie and having a station director that encourages that spirit.

"It's really easy to get down because we do a lot of criticizing (of the show) here," Grove said. "We got to have a director that cracks a few jokes and keeps things fun."

The general sentiment of the group was sadness over Edward's departure. Edward did not know when he will return.

"We're gonna miss him," Grove said. "You can't replace him."

Edward rose through the ranks of NewsCenter43 relatively quickly, especially considering his youth.

"He came in every day and between classes and was ready to help in any way," Grove said.

Hums said he believes Edward's past experience contributed to his expertise.

"He was able to come in here and use his experience in high school," Hums said.

For all that Edward does, "he's the one person in here who's allowed to have a big ego," said Dave Grundy, a NewsCenter43 staffer.

Much work goes into putting a night's show together, Edward said.

"It's involves using a lot of organizational skills and keeping track of everything," Edward said. "You have to know everybody's job inside and outside, and sometimes you have to do it for them. But it's mostly about keeping people happy."

Edward said he was pleased with his last broadcast before heading to North Carolina.

"We have a very good atmosphere tonight. Not too rowdy," Edward said smiling. "This was a good balance between having fun and doing our job."

For a while though, Edward's job will no longer include directing sound bites and video feed. Now, Edward said he is taking his life "one step at a time."

"If Bush deems it necessary for us to go, then that's what we're here for," Edward said. "The whole point of the Reserves is to step up in a time of need."


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