Members of the Student Government Association safety committee decided to kill a piece of legislation that would call for a bicycle lane on McKinley Avenue at Wednesday's meeting.
The decision came after Sen. Sarah Stimley asked Kevin Kenyon, vice president of facilities planning and management, for information via e-mail.
Kenyon said the committee's proposed idea wouldn't work, citing a number of other problems.
"I don't think there is room between AJ and Bracken," Kenyon wrote. "It would interfere with shuttle bus operation if there was room. It would have to be isolated by a curb to be effective as a bike lane."
Committee chairman Jeremy Kalvaitis called Kenyon's e-mail "disheartening" to the plan to make McKinley pedestrian and bicycle friendly. Kalvaitis also said one of Kenyon's comments was scary.
"The streets will probably be wide enough for bicycles to share with autos just like any other street," Kenyon wrote.
Kalvaitis was apprehensive about bicycles sharing the road with automobiles.
The legislation would have called for the bike lane to be added to the McKinley Project plan. Kenyon said the details are still being worked out between Ball State and the city of Muncie, but the project calls for renovation of McKinley between Bethel and Riverside avenues.
"My goal is to make the entire McKinley corridor more pedestrian and bicycle friendy," Kenyon wrote in his e-mail.
Later in the meeting, SGA president Tolu Olowomeye announced the cancellation of the third consecutive SGA-sponsored bus trip to away athletic events. The trip, which was scheduled for Saturday's game in Oxford, Ohio, was the first basketball trip. The first two were for the football team.
Olowomeye said only four of nearly 50 slots were filled. She said the idea behind the trips was to unify students around their athletic teams.
"We wanted students to exhibit more school pride," Olowomeye said.
The president said she guessed that the football and basketball teams' losing streaks were a factor in students' decisions to stay home.
"I think they are saying, 'I don't want to travel to see you lose,'" she said.
Olowomeye also said she hoped the team would fare better next time and is still planning the final bus trip for sometime in March.