Soon, students and faculty will begin to see vacancies across campus.
Thousands of men and women will be leaving the country in preparation for war. Thousands have already left.
These people may be the ones who fill the lecture halls, parties and residence halls, as most of those going to defend the U.S. in the Iraqi conflict are of college age. They agreed to fight if a war ensues.
Even if one does not support the war, he or she should support the people who are in it.
In the movie "The 60s," a scene showing protesters of the Vietnam War carried a message that rings true today: "We're not against the soldiers. We're against the war."
This message should be taken into consideration the next time a seat is open in class because a student became an active part of the current conflicts. It was his or her choice as an American to volunteer services in this type of situation. For those who did not volunteer, it was their choice as an American not to participate.
Though one may feel the conflict is justified, another may feel that an armed attack is unnecessary.
Francois Voltaire once said, "I disagree with what you said, but I defend to the death your right to say it."
To preserve freedom, U.S. citizens must defend each other's right to have an opinion about current events.
The men and women of the armed forces are putting their lives on the line to preserve rights such as this. Protesters are defending this right by exercising it.
Protesters, let students who are involved in the armed forces know that the disagreement lies with the government, not with those who serve.
Soldiers, the protesters have the right to speak out against military action. The United States is based on this principle. Understand that their actions are not a personal threat, but their expressing their views.
Freedom comes in many forms, even if everyone does not agree on how to exercise it.