Our View: A Rumor of War

AT ISSUE: Impending war no time for apathy; seek information with a critical eye

Generations X and Y, overall more educated than previous generations, are imbedded with the common sense that war is not always the best answer.

Unfortunately, in the case of Iraq, it appears our leaders think otherwise.

Surprisingly, there is a sense of apathy on Ball State's campus.

The last time the United States went to war in Iraq, most of the students on this campus were too young to care.

Now, there is no excuse.

Information is readily available, if one knows where to look -- and how to look.

In 1991, the Gulf War was the first U.S.-led conflict to benefit from modern mass media and the instant relaying of news from the Gulf region. News was instantaneous, but heavily censored for national security.

There was a primitive Internet, but not like we have now. Although the current Internet makes information more accessible, it is difficult to discern accuracy from inaccuracy.

During a war, accurate information is even more elusive.

All generations should seek accurate information with a critical eye. One should develop an opinion, whether anti-war or pro-war, and even after that opinion is formed, one should continue to seek the truth objectively. After all, you and your sources could be wrong.

One media source is not enough. Take the time to look at several media outlets of varying political persuasion. Only then will we educate ourselves properly.

If our nation goes to war again, media outlets will offer non-stop coverage; but as in 1991, they will offer very little hard news. The military will once again protect all news information in light of national security, making accurate information difficult to obtain.

Caring about such a complex issue is and will continue to be difficult, but that's no reason to ignore it, as though it will go away or fix itself.

Consider that people our age are going overseas. Consider that some of them won't return.

Isn't that worth caring about?
