Organization leaves for Washington Saturday

Students for Life plan to march in pro-life movement Jan. 22.

While some students debate abortion, seven of the 12 active members from Ball State Students for Life will leave Saturday to join in the March for Life on Jan. 22 in Washington, D.C.

The date marks the 30th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion. Students for Life members said they made it their goal to stand up for the unborn life in response to this case.

The march is a culmination of five days of events. Speakers will address the topic of abortion from different perspectives. Presentations will highlight the history of the pro-life movement, feminist views of abortion and possibly cloning.

Even though there are people who take the opposing side of the abortion issue, the group has not run into any while marching.

"Everything we see is mostly positive," Monica Moak, publicity director for Students for Life said. "In high school I saw a couple of people with signs who disagreed with our cause, but since I've gone with Ball State I haven't seen any."

Moak said she also finds the trip to D.C., which she has taken since high school, to be a positive experience.

"It's uplifting to see thousands of people agree with you on an issue with such strong feelings behind it," she said.

Although the main focus of the group is on abortion, Students for Life also discuss topics such as cloning, euthanasia and the death penalty. The members get to choose what topics will be discussed at their bimonthly meetings.

While being an activist for such a widely-known issue might seem overwhelming and difficult, Phyllis Makowski, president of Students for Life, finds that it comes naturally.

"It's uplifting to see thousands of people agree with you on an issue with such strong feelings behind it," she said.

"I have found that being an activist is easier than many people think," Makowski said. "Taking a stand for what you believe in is so rewarding, and you get a chance to share your views with other people. Being in Students for Life has given me the courage to stand up for what I believe is right in all aspects of life."

After they return to Muncie, the group will hold a rose ceremony in memory of the court decision at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 23 in RB 125.
