Letter to the editor: Insults, lies and name-calling form poor liberal arguments

Dear Editor,

Recently, Mr. Russell Greim wrote about tax cuts and the proposed Bush tax plan, and then Dr. B.J. Paschal rebutted. I was very disappointed with the response that Dr. Paschal gave. Not only does he appear to sidestep the facts and arguments presented in Greim's column, but he also reduces himself to name-calling and attempts to vilify both conservatives and Mr. Greim, which only further weakens his position.

Attacks against the "hairy hordes of right-wing yahoos" does not in any way address the real issue; it is merely a way to take the focus off the idea at hand. I expect that someone of Dr. Paschal's position should know better.

Dr. Paschal also wrote about the "vision of two Americas" that he claims looms ever larger due to the growing economic and cultural disparity here in the United States. While offering his complaints about the problem, he offers no solution except to express his distaste over tax cuts for the wealthy.

One would be led to believe that this problem of "equity," as Dr. Paschal says, would be solved by raising taxes for the rich. Certainly this is a contradiction if I ever saw one. How can Dr. Paschal speak of both equity and partiality in the same breath? Isn't the essence of equity to be fair and impartial? So what about the rich? What about what's fair to them? Has fairness taken to playing favorites? I don't think so.

I find Dr. Paschal's words disappointing. His claim of lies forming the heart of conservative argument is backed by nothing sound and his pot-shots are also very unappreciated. Since when is it a "sickness of the mind and heart," as Dr. Paschal accuses, to so unselfishly support a tax plan that will not benefit oneself at all - the way Mr. Greim has?

Discontent may underlie this issue, not taxes or equality. Must we now take from those who have simply because they have more than us? It is becoming clear that there are some who would have us believe so.

Andrew Balke


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