Letter to the editor: Columnist's diversity views do not present solutions

Dear Editor,

This letter is in response to Allyn West's column in the Jan. 29 Daily News. Although West acknowledges that a problem between races exists, his personal view doesn't assist in solving the issue.

West admits he is egocentric and that he has the "luxury" of being white, male, and heterosexual. I agree this is a luxury in American society. However, West fails to comprehend that his "luxury" could be a vehicle in driving toward social change. While the "isms" that plague our country do not directly affect him, he and others who have the "luxury" are in the position to author change that would help unify a divided people.

To paraphrase, West asks, "How can the color of our skin decidedly determine our history or affliction?" I wonder if West has ever heard of an institution called "slavery," that 400-plus years in America when the color of one's skin determined one's prosperity, or lack thereof, in life. Maybe the nearly 100 years of segregation had absolutely no effect on how African-Americans are perceived in this country today.

Yes, Allyn West, you are naive to suggest that we are struggling against the same things. True, we all look for economic security and happiness, but minorities struggle for equality each day. This struggle would not be as arduous as it is if those with your "luxury" used its power to endorse equality. I guess that is too much to ask from someone who benefits every day from the inhumane treatment of minorities from centuries ago until today.

Jacky Neal


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