Letter to the editor: Abortion issue neither political nor religious; human life at stake

Dear Editor,

"Life is given to us with the understanding that we will boldly defend it to the last," Charles Dickens wrote. Thirty years ago Wednesday, a decision that has allowed the murder of millions of innocent children was made.

The fatal decision of Roe v. Wade, made on Jan. 22, 1973, brought great shame to this country.

It was determined that a woman's right to an abortion falls within the right to privacy, which is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. On that date, the United States Supreme Court legalized the murder of unborn children. Never before had any court ruled that murder of the innocent was acceptable.

Thanks to this decision, over 40 million never got to see daylight, never had the chance to ride a bike, never went to school - never even had a chance. It's probably way more than 40 million. With nearly 1.6 million that are killed each year, it's hard to keep track of exact figures.

However, it shouldn't matter if it's 40 or 40 million; life is precious and everyone should have a chance to live. No one should have to die. It doesn't matter if you're pro-life or not, the facts are still real.

Please stop and think about the millions of people that were never given a chance at life. It's not a religious thing or even a political thing - it's a human life; please respect that.

"A person is a person, no matter how small," as Dr. Seuss wrote.

Rene Henry


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