Since the Counseling Center began offering free online screenings for depression and anxiety at the end of September, about 1,200 students have been screened.
Jay Zimmerman, associate director of the Counseling Center said the online screening can help students if they think they have an anxiety problem. It also may connect students to someone who can better help them.
Screenings are anonymous and open to students and faculty at students/cpsc/stress/index.htm. The site is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and the screening only takes three to four minutes.
The screening surveys have 13 questions and are multiple choice. One question from the screening is: Have you been feeling low in energy or slowed down? Had difficulty falling asleep?
At the end of each screening results are given.
If, after taking the screening, the results reveal common symptoms of depression or manic-depression, Zimmerman suggests calling the Counseling Center and scheduling an appointment with a professional.
Feedback as well as contact referral information is provided as a part of the screening.
The screening is not just for anxiety or depression, Zimmerman said. There are also questionnaires for alcohol, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and mood disorders. Because people can suffer from more than one of these at once, it may be beneficial to take more than one of the tests.
The online screening was made possible in part by the Lilly II Grant. The Counseling Center, as part of the Comprehensive College Initiative, has provided the screening to help more students with anxiety or other problems.
The university and the Counseling Center, Zimmermann said, both believe the screenings are important because an American College survey has shown that 49 percent of freshmen and sophomores indicated that they were depressed enough that it interfered with their ability to be successful in school.
The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and its number is 747-7330.