Associate provost hopeful envisions bright BSU future

Integrity, scholarship, community among Glenn's goals.

Jonathon Glenn, a candidate for the associate provost position at Ball State, gave three qualities on Thursday that he believed would make him a valuable administrator: integrity, scholarship and community.

Glenn, who is currently the interim associate provost at the University of Central Arkansas, listed integrity as his most important asset.

"Knowledge without integrity is a dangerous and dreadful thing," he said.

Although he has never worked at or attended school at Ball State University, Glenn said he had a special connection to the campus. More than 20 years ago, Glenn presented his first professional paper in Muncie.

The medieval literature specialist also earned his Ph.D. in literature from the University of Notre Dame.

The other candidate, Deborah Balogh, has spent most of her professional career in Muncie. Balogh is currently the dean of the graduate school and is acting as assistant provost.

Susan Johnson, associate dean of the College of Sciences and Humanities at Ball State, said Glenn's coming from a different school shouldn't be a hindrance to his performance if he is selected for the position.

"There are advantages and disadvantages in both situations," Johnson said.

She went on to explain that, while one candidate is more aware of the current situations, the other can offer fresh insights to old problems. Glenn agreed.

"There would be no use for bringing somebody in from the outside if there could be no meeting of minds," Glenn said.

Glenn also said that two things jumped out at him in his first visit to Ball State since the 1980s. First was the energy and optimism exhibited by each person he met. The second was Ball State's strategic plan.

"Many administrators say they don't believe in long-term planning," Glenn said.

The associate provost will work to implement the strategic plan. Glenn said he was anxious to have that opportunity.

Rod Davis, chair of the Associate Provost Search Committee, said the final hiring decision lies with provost Beverley Pitts. He said the decision will probably be made within three weeks.


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