The majority of job seekers will undergo at least one interview. Preparation is a key factor in helping you land the job.
A key element in preparation is gathering information on the company you're interviewing with. Read the company's materials, memorize it and utilize it during the interview process. This includes the products, service, history and their future goals. They will be impressed you took the time to get a closer look at the company.
Show an interest by asking questions. Prepare at least five questions focused on the job duties, responsibilities and goals of the company. Only ask about vacation plans, benefits or salary when the company offers the job to you.
NAVY BLUE: Trustworthy and conservative. Wear it when making presentations or inspire confidence. BLACK: Sophisticated and authoritative. Wear it when you want to show you're in charge. TAUPE: Classic and practical. Wear it when you need cooperation from others. RED: Energetic and dynamic. Wear it when you want to capture the attention of others. PURPLE: Regal and powerful. Wear it when you want to show power. Also, most women love purple, but many men don't. BRIGHT GREEN: Fresh and lively ORANGE: Friendly and playful. SOFT PINK: Soft and compassionate. Wear it when you want to soften a strong personality. DARK GREEN: Rich and traditional. Wear it when you want to look secure and successful. YELLOW: Cheerful and eyecatching. Wear it when you want to inspire creativity and optimism. HOT PINK: Trendy and bright. Wear it when you want to grab attention. |
by DNWeb |
Another element is your appearance. The interviewer will judge you within the first moments you walk into the room. Your appearance can create a positive or a negative impression. Pay close attention to your wardrobe. Make sure your clothes are clean and pressed. It maybe difficult to determine exactly what's appropriate to wear. When in doubt, dress conservatively.
Make plans to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early on the day of your interview. Be sure to ask for directions. If you're still unsure of the location drive there before the actual day. Allow plenty of time for parking and waiting for the elevator.
Bring samples of you work to exhibit your capabilities. Also have multiple copies of your resume. Get permission from your references before naming them. Make sure they will give you a good recommendation.
Go over your skills and interests so you can communicate them clearly. Be ready to discuss these and how they relate to the position. Be able to describe your strengths and weaknesses. Don't mention more than one weakness and make sure to turn it into something positive.
Practicing the interview process will help you avoid hesitation and incomplete responses. Talk to yourself out loud in front of a mirror and videotape yourself so you can see and hear what they interviewer will. Be conscious of your body language and voice inflection to express your interests without going overboard.
If you don't land the first job, prepare for your next interview by conducting a critical analysis of your interview performance. Write down these thoughts so you avoid these same mistakes during your next interview.