I read with interest several recent articles in the Daily News debating the conflict in the Middle East. The most recent incarnation of this controversy appeared in Samir Kanazeh's piece on Nov. 26, calling for the end of what he calls "Israeli occupation."
The problem is, Mr. Kanazeh has not read his history books, and is instead -- by accident or on purpose -- spreading anti-Semitic propaganda, mired in Arab mythology. His assertions about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict have no historical basis.
For those who also may not have acquainted themselves with the dramatic history of the Middle East, here are some basic points to be considered before assessing the current struggle in that region:
The first people to inhabit the land in question were Semites (Jews), about 5,000 years ago. "Palestinians" have never ruled any land known as "Palestine." It's a myth that continues to be perpetuated by hateful Arab Middle Easterners whose leaders have sworn to murder every Jew in the region. It's ridiculous to insist that Jews in Israel are "occupying" someone else's land. Israelis are no more "occupying" that territory than the French are "occupying" France.
There is no such thing as a "Palestinian" person. The group of Arabs commonly referred to as "Palestinians" are indistinguishable from their Arab counterparts across the Jordan River.
Analogy: Arab "Palestinians" are to Arab "Jordanians" as North Dakotans are to South Dakotans. Essentially there's no difference.
The Palestinians are crying out to the world that they want a state, a homeland. The problem is that they already have one. It's called Jordan, formerly known as Trans-Jordan until the mid-1900s. Jordan was actually an independent "Arab-Palestinian" state-within-a-state established by the British in 1946, until the Arab Palestinians under Arafat's leadership tried to overthrow King Hussein. Since, the Jordanian royalty has been quite happy to leave the Arab Palestinians in refugee camps across the river to torment their Jewish neighbors instead.
Furthermore, "Palestine" is made up word and totally fabricated. Israel was, in effect, renamed "Palestine" by their Roman conquerors during the 10th century A.D., who wanted to get rid of any reference to Jewish-ness of the Jewish homeland. To add insult to injury, the name "Palestine" is actually derived from the term "Philistine." The Philistines had brutally slaughtered the Jews in a previous war. Think of the Titans losing the big game next week, and then the NFL renaming them the "Baby Hoosier Horses."
There is no definitive Palestinian culture -- no distinct food, language, music or clothing. Well, unless you count the lasting trend in attire worn by their political superstars -- you know, the "Martyr" vests they adorn with dynamite and shrapnel Velcroed to a detonator.
Apparently this traditional Palestinian garb can be seen in many areas of the Holy Land, in crowded shopping malls, cafes and hotels. I guess you could count that as their contribution to the fashion world.
All sarcasm aside, the point is, in order to have any kind of meaningful discussion about this conflict, it is fundamental to study the history of the region and become familiar with the facts.
As the sun sets this Friday and families are celebrating the Festival of Lights, perhaps we should show some basic respect and read about the history of the Holy Land before we opine the ongoing struggle in the Middle East.