Our View: Model of Compromise

AT ISSUE: University Senate votes to adopt compromise model for governance system structure.

It is about time for some change in the University governance system, and University Senate responded accordingly Thursday.

Senators adopted a skeleton of a compromise model, the first step in altering the structure of the university government.

The compromise model will best serve all members of the university.

It will benefit the students because it gives SGA a direct link to the agenda committee. This model provides more than SGA has right now, even if it is not the model student senators preferred.

The model also adds a faculty forum with the Faculty Council.

Faculty desperately need this feature. Currently, the only place faculty voice comes through is in the University Senate. This model provides a place for faculty to discuss issues exclusive to them.

President Blaine Brownell said the new model provides other important aspects.

"This model achieves the objective of keeping one legislative body, where everybody is under one tent," Brownell said.

Brownell is right. A forum with faculty, students and professional staff, like the current system, is essential to reach decisions that are best for the entire university.

University Senate may have the skeleton, but it is time to attach the muscle.

If University Senate wants this model to be a true compromise, fair representation is a must.

Senators and task force members need to include students, faculty and professional staff in the agenda committee and committees within councils. It is pertinent to the function of a fair and legitimate governance system to make sure all voices are heard.


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