The Temporal Front: Votes may forever change our nation

July 4, 1776 was a dramatic day for America. Its ramifications were felt around the globe. Its implications have made free people out of billions on this planet. On that day our Declaration of Independence was signed.

Laid out in clear terms, the founders made it apparent: "...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..." It takes the will of the people to support and maintain these United States.

Tomorrow, this nation faces an equally dramatic day. Control of the House and Senate rests in the hands of voters in many places, including our own Indiana. Pure and simple, the voters will decide.

Will New Jersey voters allow a partisan Supreme Court to violate the law and allow a candidate to be replaced after the legal benchmark has passed? Democrats replaced the corrupt Torricelli after the 51 day limit of law had elapsed. The voters will decide if the law is important or if it is able to be cast aside for the agenda of a political party. It is in their hands.

Will South Dakota voters allow Democratic supporters to falsify absentee ballots and stuff the ballot boxes in favor of their candidate? The voters will decide if forgery and fraud in support of Democrats is ethical and just, or if the Democrats record of voting fraud must stand scrutiny. It is theirs to decide if integrity or fraud will serve as their representative.

Will Minnesota voters allow the memorial service for the idealistic Senator Wellstone serve as a political rally for Democrats? They must decide if the tragedy of his death warrants the blatant degeneration into foot stomping politics that prompted Governor Jesse Ventura to walk out. The choice is theirs.

Will Indiana voters allow congressional candidate Julia Carson walk off the stage at a debate because she couldn't support her ideas? When her opponent and the Republican National Committee stated truthfully she has been late on several tax payments, her best defense was the death of her mother 10 years before the tardiness occurred. Voters will decide if they want a candidate who can stand for their beliefs, or run from debate.

In addition to seeing freedom for what it was, the founders also knew something else. While it never appeared in the Constitution, it was a benchmark of America's first Declaration: men "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights." The founders recognized God, but the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ignored it. The liberal court chose to strike down "under God" as unconstitutional. The majority opinion writer in that case was a liberal. In the meantime, President Bush cannot get his conservative judges approved due to Democratic partisanship.

Voters have a decision to make. They can vote to support the obstructionism of Democrats, or support the progress being proposed by the President. Will taxpayers support the Bush tax cut that lessened the recession, or support the myopia of some Democrats who would repeal it? The voters will be heard.

Tomorrow will be a great fulcrum point in history. One way or another, this nation will be changing. It can serve as the day of independence from Democratic foolishness, or serve as our slip farther into ridiculous policies doomed to fail. Choose wisely, and make your voice heard.

Write to Russell at



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