Our View: Be Heard

At Issue: Election Day here; as elections grow tighter, voter turnout all the more important.

To the uninformed voter, campaign propaganda can be overwhelming.

With Election Day here, however, there is no more time for mud-slinging - it's time to cast votes and be counted. And no Election Day notion could be any more truthful than the saying, "Every vote counts."

"Most people don't realize how close the races for the House of Representatives were [in 2000]. If you look at the five closest races...a collective shift of 5493 votes in those five districts would have made Dick Gephardt (D-MO) the Speaker of the House," wrote Kerby Anderson, nationally syndicated columnist, in September.

Basically, Anderson writes, "there was nearly absolute parity in the support given to the Republican and Democrat parties. And there is every reason to believe that an even split may result again in the November elections making competition for the control of Congress more intense than ever."

Even in Indiana, often chastised for its staunch Republican support in national elections, is home to two very competitive races - one in South Bend and the other in Indianapolis.

What Democrats are counting on is a chance to regain control of the House of Representatives, which could alter the focus of the national agenda for the next two years. Social security could be changed to give individuals more freedom if Republicans remain in power. On the other hand, President Bush's war on terror could take a different path if Democrats take control.

Even Indiana is not immune from these close elections. Down in Indianapolis, one word will be on the minds of every state legislator: budget. Incumbents are calling for a tight budget in the 2003-2005 biennium, and challengers (many of them Republicans) have based many of their platforms on responsible spending.

With these things in mind, voters should be aware that this year, Indiana could be the site of some tight races, and each and every vote is important.

Visit the polls and let your vote count.


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