Media Timeout: Football team puts slogan into practice


Forget It and Drive On. Signs shouting this message are posted all over the Ball State football complex. The players apply the saying to a number of different situations that commonly arise.

Drop a pass? F.I.D.O. Lose a game? F.I.D.O.

Today, I'm asking members of the Ball State football team to use the slogan in a different context. It's no secret that the Cardinals had a rough start to this season. Midway through October, Ball State was 2-5. Many fans were thinking, "Here we go again."

The Cardinals forgot it and drove on, though. After being officially eliminated from the MAC West Division race against Bowling Green, the Cards drove on. They won their next three games, including last week's 41-21 dismantling of Buffalo. The team is now assured of its first .500 season since 1996.

Jim Hofher, head coach of Buffalo, said that he would like to model his program's evolution after Ball State's. Hofher said BSU's "stick-to-it-iveness" was the key to its turn-around. I agree 100 percent.

Having said that, I am now going to do something that possibly no Daily News columnist has ever done. I'm going to admit I was wrong.

During the Cardinals' difficult start to the season, I wrote a column (Oct. 12) saying that Coach Lynch has had trouble recruiting in the past and Ball State needs to bring in a coach who will bring in blue-chip players. By doing this I took shots at the coaching staff and the players alike.

My column was premature. The Cardinals have shown that this program is growing, even if it is a slow process. Junior quarterback Andy Roesch and a core of freshmen receivers have given hope to an offense. On defense, junior Lorenzo Scott and sophomore Justin Beriault have anchored a revitalized squad.

Now, I am going to swallow my pride and give credit where credit is due. I am asking the Ball State football team to do the same thing it has done all season.

Forget it and drive on.

Write to Jay at


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