The Temporal Front: Republican voting about integrity

Senator Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) recently withdrew from his Senate re-election campaign because of emerging proof that he accepted bribes from a Korean businessman. He withdrew not because he was sorry (he never apologized), but because polls showed he was sure to lose.

Representative James Traficant (D-Ohio) was convicted of accepting illegal bribes over a several-year period. His conviction was handed down last summer, and he was expelled from the House of Represent-atives. The only person who voted to let him stay was Gary Condit.

Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) was recently exposed as having taken somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 million in unreported gifts from the White House when she and her husband left in January 2001. On several occasions she has denied having these items, only to be later photographed in public with them.

Representative Gary Condit (D-Calif.) was implicated in the disappearance and murder of his congressional intern Chandra Levy during the early months of 2001. Doubt was cast upon his innocence when he failed to inform authorities that he was having an extra-marital affair with Ms. Levy.

Senator Tom Daschle (D-SD) has refused yet again to release his tax returns for 2001, fearing the potential negative backlash there may be from the public over his family income. Daschle's wife is a lobbyist and is reported to make over $3 million per year.

This is what American Democrats stand for. Morality, honor, integrity and honesty are the antithesis of these "leaders" in Washington. This is who controls the Senate right now, and wants to control the House. This is the party of Clinton, and they learned his methods of debauchery well. FDR would be ashamed.

Moral clarity is somewhat of a joke for democrats in Washington. Their agenda is radical and out of focus with the desires of the American public. They have lost touch with the voters, but voters continuously vote for ridiculous politicians such as these.

The election is approaching. Not all of these failures are up for re-election, but their party is. Even if the Democrat you vote for in your own hometown is the most upstanding person of integrity and valor, your vote casts power to the corruption of Tom Daschle and Hillary Clinton. Even if your vote goes for a mainstream moderate, the power you give goes to extremists like Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy.

Leftists can run around claiming the "close ties" between republicans and big business. They can throw stones at the Bush administration about Enron or "Big Oil." Their accusations rely on some form of exaggeration or some secret source. Corruption in the Democratic Party can be seen simply by observation.

Voting in this nation is important. It allows the average citizen to make a decision. This election season there is a critical choice to make. It isn't simply choosing the party your parents vote for. It isn't about being a smug "rebel" and voting specifically to counter their vote. It is about far more than that.

This election the vote is about morality and integrity. This election is about national security vs. special interests. It's about energy independence vs. radical environmentalists. It's about bigger government vs. lower taxes. It's about the future of our great nation.

Can you afford to be on the wrong side? I cannot. I will be voting Republican.

Write to Russell at



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