Two weeks ago was one of those times where I had a lot of tests in one week. We all experience this (if you haven't, you're probably not a student).
You know the feeling. It's when you know you can experience a stroke at any time, but through the magic of the academic gods you stay alive. When these times approach, I often wish I could end up in the hospital and forget I was so bogged down in studying, but I'm simply not that lucky.
In any event, at the end of my stretch of tests, just before my long awaited cardiovascular accident, I had an idea. We students should gamble on tests.
This may sound odd, but it could possibly benefit us. Say you have a group of three friends in a class. When the professor announces the test, make bets between the three of you and outsider friends who are not involved in taking the test (the outsider friends are important). Only make bets that claim you will have the best grade. Now, usually you have a week or two before the test arrives, so you have time to prepare and study.
Here's where the "outsider friends" come in. Usually when one is in a testing situation, he or she has friends who encourage play instead of work. This is bad, this is usually what keeps me from studying. I am very susceptible to peer pressure (or as some would put it: I'm an idiot).
Anywho, you have your "outsider friends" make bets on who will get the highest grade, and they will encourage you to study. But first you must establish rules like, no defensive strategies (encouraging another player to stop studying or supporting the leisure of that player).
When it comes to making bets, I'd advise you to keep it low. This is because you are all friends, and we don't want any harsh feelings. Also, you will keep it low because you are broke. You may be saying to yourself, "How did he know that?" Well, we are all college students here. Don't act like you have money. I found a $5 bill about a month ago and I am a legend around my apartment.
A problem may arise when you have people in the same betting pool who cannot establish bets because their academic skills are so skewed. Many of us have had that friend who is always ahead and scoring higher. Maybe some of us are that friend who always scores higher (you all suck by the way). The solution to this problem is point spreads.
Yeah, point spreads for gambling on test scores. These should be established between all parties involved in the pool. Make sure you are in mutual agreement before you develop the spread. Once agreed upon, you have yourself a better picture of the test to come. Some people may not understand what a point spread is. If you don't, before you gamble with your friends, learn more.
I know gambling can be a problem, but in a small group among friends, it can be fun. It may also actually motivate you to do better on your next test. And if you don't get that "A" that your parents expect, tell them, "Hey, at least I beat the spread."
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