No Longer at Ease: A friendly letter to the president of the United States

President Bush,

After watching my favorite fictional character, Huey Freeman write a letter to you, and getting a first-hand take on your possible inclusion on Howard University's commencement invitees list, I thought it was high-time I talk to you myself.

This student and columnist would like to thank you for all that you do and appear to stand for. Seriously. It is quite possible you don't comprehend exactly how much you could mean to this country, and possibly could mean to its future.

You did a bang up job on terrorism. Bin Laden on the run or dead. Al-Qaida reeling. Mighty impressive there cowboy, I mean sir. I know media outlets are continuously warning of possible attacks, but to tell the truth, that's just to keep us on our toes more than anything isn't it?

And Iraq. I'd think about registering for the draft if we had one, just so I could help out. I mean after all, I agree with you, that madman Saddam is the guy who tried to kill your dad. Don't listen to the silly U.N. we both know who's really in charge.

And that's what this is all about isn't it? Making sure everyone knows that you, and ultimately this country, run the world. Right? We're the biggest dog on the block, the last superpower and that should mean something. Well, you are right.

So if no one else likes you. I do.

This particular columnist likes you, not because of your political party or war-mongering -- I mean, preemptive peace-keeping -- but for what you could mean to the future. You could be the president who found a solution other than war, living up to your self-billing as a compassionate conservative. The press would dub you, "Dubya: A Bush of peaceful intelligence."

Take for instance, the aforementioned Howard University situation. I'm fairly sure you have no interest in going to an HBCU, specifically Howard (history shows that you have already turned them down) other than for the publicity it could garner, and for the goodwill it could possibly foster.

So my suggestion, accept the offer of speaking only if it is in a forum designed to include questions and answers. And if Howard still won't have you, I'm sure Ball State could fit you into Emens for that.

Another reason I like you is a rather selfish one, but hey, that's the society we live in. The reason: hip hop. The quality and consciousness of music was arguably higher during the last reign of Republicans. I figure even if you can't find a way to avoid starting World War III, you could help assuage the beatings my ears have been taking.

So keep doing what you're doing, minus all the war talk. Now that I've though about it, what other than war do you talk about? I guess that's a topic for another letter.

Zieg Heil to the Chief,

Aric Lewis

Write to Aric at,,2(+â-+-í~+â-òlewis 10.24.02DNEditorial,,2SORT+â-Ü+â-ä2AUDT



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