Letter to the editor: UniverCity more than partisanship

Dear editor,

A Native American author! An African-American actor! A female astronaut! What has taken hold of Ball State? According to Russell Greim, this set of UniverCity speakers has sparked a heinous rash of "liberal agendas" and "socialism" on campus. Pretty soon everyone will be free-loving it and chanting together at the scramble light.

Mr. Greim, I certainly hope you can get your terms straight before taking another "your turn" in the Daily News. Conservativism does not involve a dismissal of diversity. Likewise, liberalism is not implied just because one is of a certain race, heritage or sex. Apparently, you have allowed the diverse range of skin colors and cultures present at UniverCity lead you to believe that all the speakers were on a mission - a liberal mission.

Unfortunately, you must not have attended many of these events, because if you had, it would be apparent to you that the speakers were discussing their diverse lives, not their political agendas. And if you are still convinced that Ball State is brainwashing students to begin a commune near Frog Baby, here's an interesting fact: T.J. Leyden, a former neo-Nazi, spoke about the extremist opinions that shaped his racially-motivated hatred. That's not "Right" enough for you? Well I guess we'll just have to get ahold of Rush Limbaugh next time and get some "lesbian femi-Nazi" speak into the mix.

Nicole Steward



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