Letter to the editor: UniverCity 2002 organizers thank volunteers

Dear editor,

To all student volunteers for UniverCity 2002: Although there are too many of you to name individually, each and every one of you are partially responsible for the success of UniverCity 2002. On behalf of the staff, steering committee, college representatives and all of the university and community partners, we want to thank each and every one of you for the outstanding effort you made. Much of the work was physically demanding, often in adverse weather conditions, early in the morning, late at night and mainly when we needed it the most.

An event of this magnitude and length cannot be accomplished by one or two or even three staff people. It takes the hard work and dedication of all the volunteers. We hope that while you were assisting us on your assigned day, you took the time to enjoy the events of UniverCity 2002. I would especially like to thank the two young ladies who came back for a second tour of labor on Friday afternoon and worked so extra hard. You were from Professor Maria Williams-Hawkins class and you were wonderful.

Lorraine Sinclair

Beth Turcotte

Judy Elton

UniverCity 2002 Organizers


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