LEGISLATION UNDER REVIEW: SGA kills insufficient Web site, but the issue of privacy will not be pushed aside

Student Government Association senators may have killed legislation about the BSU@work Web site, but that does not mean the issue should die with it.

The Web Site, designed for employees of Ball State, offers personal information about students, including their Social Security numbers, grades and employment information.

Safety and a right to privacy are still important to students, especially when it involves Social Security and other personal, private information.

If SGA senators believe this particular piece of legislation did not do the job, there is no reason they should stop trying.

The fact that faculty have easy access to personal information can make students feel violated, unsafe or at risk for identity-related crimes.

At least one student has already suffered the consequences of identity theft. Though Ball State faculty may have no inclination to steal the information, other people do. Technology is not always safe. Passwords do not always keep the door to private information locked.

Social Security numbers are already used everyday on campus. This happens when students scans their meal cards, fill out a computer generated exam answer sheet, or request access to transcripts and financial information.

Until Ball State assigns a random code as an identification number, something must be done to protect students.

This legislation was an important step in that process.

Senators who believe they are responsible for those they represent should keep this in mind. It is their duty to put the safety and needs of the students first. One way to accomplish that is to keep working with this legislation.


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