Faces: Mr. Spontaneity

It's midnight and Friday has just begun. While many people are out celebrating the coming weekend or cramming for an end of the week test, Dan Crall is in a small radio station doing what he loves. Crall hosts the early Friday radio show "AfterHours" on 91.7 WCRD, Ball State's radio station.

Crall is a junior transfer student majoring in Telecommunications Production. Crall's radio show is a combination of experimental music, phone calls from listeners, opinionated commentary and spontaneity.

A rocky first few weeks at WCRD taught Crall the not so glamorous side of the radio business. The first week Crall showed up for his early Friday morning shift from midnight to 1 a.m., he found out that the electricity was scheduled be shut off at midnight. Not only that, but Crall arrived to find out his name was not on the list for a radio shift. Due to minor scheduling difficulties, Crall did not get the shift he thought he had.

Part of the problems occurred when Jacky Neal, senior, was supposed to have a two-hour shift though he was only scheduled for one. A show called "Almost Friday" ended up being cut from the schedule because Neal's request was honored due to seniority at WCRD. In the end, Crall was able to hold his shift and began "AfterHours" just one week late.

Going into his late night show, Crall is loosely prepared and is not tied down to a schedule for his show.

"I just kind of fly by the seat of my pants," Crall said. He usually tries to incorporate a few unique news stories that he finds on rotten.com, newsmax.com or reads in a local newspaper. Crall also plans to have a guest on his show each week. One week, a rave disc jockey made an appearance.

For Crall's third show, he invited the residents of Elliot Hall where Crall resides, to join the show. Eight guys, one girl and Crall crowd into the small radio station ready to provide commentary to the "AfterHours" experience.

As people were coming and going from the station, Crall sent his sidekick Robert "Shorty" Graves and another person to a pay phone at the Village Pantry in the Village. Later in the show, Crall talked to partygoers as they passed by the pay phone.

Topics covered during one of Crall's shows ranged from the best beer to what bands are good and why MTV is bad. At one point, a guy with a mullet was on the phone and Crall was quick to question his choice hairstyle.

Crall describes "AfterHours" as an extension of his own mind.

"The radio show is a way for me to get practice and have fun while doing what I love," Crall said.

While hoping to develop a fan base, Crall urges students to listen to "AfterHours" because "you'll never hear anything like it and I'm going to be famous one day."

With great visions for his future, Crall hopes to be able to work in radio, television, and film. Crall said he eventually would like to write and direct a film that would be a psychological thriller put together as experimental film. Crall also aspires to host a syndicated radio show.

Crall is surprised as "AfterHours" comes to a close.

"Time goes fast when you're on the air and having a good time," Crall announced to his listeners.


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